I was born of missionary parents in remote Sask, Canada in 1936 so perhaps this picture was taken in 1938. My early exposure to music was my Mother's playing of the autoharp and my parents singing of gospel duets. I wasn't exposed to "classical music" until 1955 when I lived for a year with my only sister and got a chance to sing in the Wheaton College's Christmas production of Handel's "The Messiah." Since that time good music has been a real blessing and I feel a gift from God, & that many don't experience the fulliness of that gift. Recently I've become concerned with the decline of the quality of music in the evangelical churches we regularly attend. I'm hoping to share my feelings and listen & learn from others via this blog.
I guess I'm a "visual" as well as various billboard signs have always captured my attention, and many remain an important part of my everyday thinking & actions.